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  • Writer's pictureJosh Morrison

So, you want to play guitar?

Updated: Aug 28, 2021


There are a lot of things that you need to think about before you take the plunge - what kind of guitar you should get? Should you take lessons or get a guitar book? What about youtube - there’s a bunch of tutorials for everything else there’s probably guitar tutorials too?

All of these questions will be answered in time. What I think is the more important question is, do you want to play guitar, or do you want to be a guitarist?

Most people don’t make this distinction - if you can play songs on a guitar, your a guitarist right? I don’t think so.

To be entirely honest, playing a guitar isn’t super complicated - if you want to play some chords, a bit of practice and a guitar will get you where you want to be in a fairly short amount of time. This, is playing guitar.

A guitarist is a little different. A guitarist collects the various skills it takes to be proficient in guitar - proper technique for fingering, strumming and plucking all take time to develop (and that’s before you get to the cool stuff like legato and tapping).

If you want to play guitar, that’s fine, but i think it’s limiting.

If you want to be a guitarist - good luck. There will be pain - a lot of pain, but after the year(s) of developing skills, and spending a lot of money (i honestly don’t know how much i’ve spent over the years), you’ll have a new skill to impress people and/or express yourself.

So, do you want to play guitar or be a guitarist?

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