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  • Writer's pictureJosh Morrison

Maybe, not everything about the pandemic is bad.

Before you think, try to tell me etc. that the pandemic sucks and is terrible for everybody and everything - I AGREE WITH YOU. I’m writing this on Saturday, 28th August - a day after NSW (let’s be honest, basically Sydney) first had more than 1000 new cases in a day. If this isn’t published until after that, it probably has something to do with me thinking if I want to post this. It’s also important to know that I’m also taking this whole pandemic thing seriously - I barely leave the house despite the fact that I’m fully vaccinated. I didn’t really leave before the pandemic, but that’s beside the point.

With that being said, something occurred to me - there is a silver lining to spending all of your time at home and not being able to go anywhere; you have so much more free time, more than you’ve ever had in your adult life.

When I worked a full-time job, I travelled more than 2 hours a day. 2 hours. And that was just my commute. If your schedule is anything like mine was, you could have more than 20 hours a week that you didn’t have - think of all the time you use in a week to prepare yourself for a week of work.

The time in itself isn’t the silver lining - it’s how you use the time. You have could spend an hour a day on a new skill - if you want to learn to play an instrument now is the best time. If you do - seek out a local music shop and try to buy something from them. If you don’t want to learn an instrument, but do learn a new skill, or work on a hobby - seek out some new music. There is a whole heap of musicians that make most of their money through touring that aren’t able to right now - while a couple of streams doesn’t make them a lot of money, it’s certainly better than nothing.

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